Making Treats Print
Baked goods hot and fresh from the kitchen are some of our earliest and fondest memories.   

The ones that tasted the best and the ones we helped with and it is no different for our Scouts.  Scouts can do their part in baking treats and then serving them.


Getting Ready


This activity will require several parents or assistants.  Bring your favorite recipes for cookies, brownies, and cakes.


Of course premade versions are available of these are available at the local market, but it always tastes better from scratch.


Parents can preheat the oven and mix ingredients while Scouts pour them into bowls and grease the pan.  Younger children can do their part by taking on various tasks, which makes them feel invested in the process.  There is great pride in saying, “I made this.”


A longer activity is to make ice cream.  You will need:

1 cup heavy cream
1 cup light cream
1 beaten egg (or use equivalent reconstituted dried)
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
 Mix all ingredients in a one pound coffee can.  With parental supervision, Scouts can mix them.  Seal the can well with duct take, then put the can in a large 3 pound coffee can and ice and a cup of salt around the mixture. The mixture will need to be rolled back and forth on a towel for fifteen minutes.  The Scouts can take turns doing this. When the fifteen minutes are up, open the larger can and dump out the ice and salt, then open the small can and stir the mixture.  If Scouts would like to add other flavors or toppings, such as Oreos, chocolate chips, gummy bears, or whatever they would like, this is when they do it. Then place the smaller can back inside the larger can, and again fill the larger can with ice and salt.  The can will need to be rolled back and forth for about another 10 minutes, and the Scouts can take turns again. When the time, is up, open the larger can and dump out the ice and salt.  Then open the smaller can and you have ice cream! Scouts will be amazed and can spoon out the ice cream, taking turns making serving others. 

A FUN and tasty treat!