Movie Screening Print

The Power of Movies


Movies fascinate, move us, and fill us with joy.  Many of us can quote lines from our favorite movies and many remember the first movie they ever saw.


Movies enthrall children and they often dress up in costumes, act out movies, and pretend to be the superhero, the comedian, or the princess. 


Getting the Word Out


Teams can advertise ahead of time by word of mouth or posters hung in the neighborhood.  It’s possible more parents and children will be interested in attending the screening and will subsequently find out about our Scout Programs.


Bringing Movies to Discovery Scouts


Movie screenings are a great way for parents and their children to bond.  Discussing the movie afterward can encourage discussion and create opportunities for parents to share something with their children.


Movie screenings can be done several different ways.  Movies can be shown at the meeting location or at a movie theater.


Movies at the Meeting Location


The team should decide how the movies will be screened.  If the team decides to show the movie on a movie projector, they can borrow or rent a small white movie screen, or simply show the movie against a white wall meeting.


A video tape or DVD played on a television set is an easy option.


Scouts choose which movie they want to see.


Scouts can pick out where they want to sit. A picnic blanket can be spread out for an indoor picnic or Scouts can sit on pillows or cushions.


Movie Goodies


Popcorn is a classic movie treat.  Microwave popcorn is the easiest to make if a microwave is on site.  Scouts can easily place the popcorn in the microwave and push the button.  Scouts will have FUN counting down the time on the clock.


Popcorn is FUN to make on the stove also.  Popcorn and oil are place on the stove and the pot should be shaken back and forth.  Scouts can shake the pot with supervision.  A variety of seasoning can be provided.  Most grocery stores have easy to shake seasonings for popcorn such as cheddar cheese and kettle corn flavors.  A variety of flavors can be made so Scouts can have a choice and share.


Other healthy alternatives are carrot sticks, fruit, and granola bars.


Going to the Movies


If Scouts and parents are going to a movie at a movie theater, call ahead. If you have a group that wants to attend the movie at a certain time, but the movie is not showing them, you can ask the theater if they will play the movie at another time.  If you have a large group, they may agree, particularly if it is a slow times such as midmorning on afternoon on a weekday.


Many theaters also have special screenings for those with babies or small children.  Again, Scouts choose the movie they want to see.


We do not advocate spending a lot of money on food at the theater, however popcorn, drinks, and candy can be purchased there. 


Going to the theater need not cost a lot.  Although food, such as popcorn, can be purchased from the concession stand, some theaters permit bringing in your own foods. Healthy alternatives include bringing popcorn in zip top bags or carrot sticks, granola bars and other healthy treats can be brought along.


Sharing a movie with your children is a special experience they will remember for years to come.