Campfire Ash Print

Fire has played an essential role in human history from the first humans.  Fire was a symbol of warmth, hospitality, and to early man, life itself.  In that spirit, we invite all our Scouts and members to come a little closer to the fire.  Sit down.  Warm yourself.  Share a good story.  A fire represented an invitation to warmth, food, and belonging.  We carry that concept with us today; all who gather around our fire belong and are members of our extended family.youth by a bonfire


We value the part we play in the Scout Movement and those who came before us.  Our Scout Programs have obtained some of the ash from a campfire from the early days of the Scout Movement. 


We add that ash to a new campfire, then take some of that ash and keep it until the next campfire, then add it to that fire.  In this way, we are linked to the past.  Every Scout campfire is a part of every other Scout campfire.  Every adventure, part of every other adventure.  We are linked together through the entire Scout Movement – a history of belonging and an invitation to FUN.