How-To Hold Crew Time Print

The Crew Time portion of the meeting is for Crews to get together and discuss Crew information and activities such as camping trips or which Challenges can be accomplished together.  Crews can also play Crew-building games.  The purpose of Crew Time is for Crews to get to know each other better and improve their ability to get things done together.  group of girls

Crews area like mini versions of the team, composed of 7-8 Scouts, they serve as a group of friends to have FUN with and also a group of Scouts to go places with and earn Challenges with. 

Below are some Crew building games:


Untie-Yourself – in this game all the Scouts stand in a circle and with their left hands reach out and take someone’s hand across the circle from them.  Then with their right hand, they take someone else’s hand.  The Scouts then try to untie and untangle themselves without ever letting of anyone else’s hand as try to find a solution as a group.


Find a Scout – The name of an animal is written on a piece of paper and taped to the back of each Scout.  Every animal is taped on the back of two different Scouts.  Scouts walk up to each other and imitate the animal on the back of the Scout they are speaking with.  Scouts match themselves up with their partner who has the same animal, based on the imitation other Scouts do.