Youth Protection for Youth Print

Our number one priority at the Scout Programs of Adventure Scouts USA, is to keep youth like you safe and having FUN.

Your Counselors and Team Counselors have gone though a rigorous screening process including a comprehensive background check before they were able to act as Counselors for you.  two boys playing in a riverWhile our Counselors and Team Counselors are in charge of health and safety, you too can help protect yourself and each other.

What You Can Do

Everyone involved in our Scout Programs from Scouts to Counselors have a duty to report any inappropriate behavior they witness.  If you see or hear about inappropriate conduct, report it to your Team Counselor, or Counselors whether from your team or other teams, and report it to parents.  You can also contact us nationally through our number:  Scouts, get the phone number to call from your Team Counselor and fill it in here________.  The number you are calling from will not be billed; it is a free phone call.  All reports can be anonymous. 

Keep an eye on each other.  If one of your fellow Scouts who always has a good time is suddenly not having a good time, or a cheerful Scout has becomes sad very often, ask them about it.  It may or may not be an abusive situation, but whatever the case, your fellow Scout may need your help.

Make sure your fellow Scouts follow rules of conduct for their own safety.  All the situations below are inappropriate and no adult should attempt to do any of the following:

* physical examinations which an adult suggests are necessary or appropriate,
* having Scouts undress to explain parts of their uniform,
* sleeping in the same tent with Scouts,
* sharing the same sleeping bag or tent to stay warm,
* the application of products, such as suntan or calamine lotions, insect repellents, etc.,
* the grabbing or touching of private parts while swimming,
* roughhousing with others,
* being alone with a Scout,
* being in private with a Scout,
* being in an area with a Scout out of the view of others,
* no back rubs,
* showering with Scouts, unless all are clothed,
* changing in view of Scouts,
* no touching, such as hugging, unless appropriate for time, place, and manner, for example, an awards presentation

Exceptions to inappropriate contact are only in case of an emergency and there must be other adult Counselors present.

The Rule of 3

A Scout is never alone with an adult in our Scout Programs.  Ever.  The minimum requirement is either two adults to one Scout or two Scouts to one adult. 


three youth hiking on bridge



Our teams pick their own code, a word or phrase that only they, Counselors, Team Counselors, or parents know.  The purpose of this is that if a Scout got lost or separated and did not know whether to trust the adult offering to help, when the adult supplies the code word or phrase, our Scouts know that person is a parent or a Counselor from another team who has been informed of the correct word or phrase.

Stick to these guidelines to help protect yourself and other Scouts.  Below is a Youth Bill of Rights.  Please read it over with your parents.

Youth Bill of Rights

Remember: These are actions that will give you the power to protect yourself, some of these might not be appropriate for situations where you are not physically threatened.

When feeling threatened, you have the right to:

* Trust your instincts or feelings
* Privacy
* Protect yourself
* Say "no" to an authority figure acting inappropriately
* Say "no" to unwanted touching or affection
* Refuse inappropriate gifts, such as expensive gifts, pornography, alcohol or drugs.  Gifts are time, place, and manner appropriate such as a small token after winning an award.
* Withhold information that could jeopardize your safety
* Be rude and unhelpful if the situation warrants
* Physically fight off unwanted advances
* Scream, make noise, or be rude when you feel threatened
* Tell a parent, Counselor, or Team Counselor about an authority figure's inappropriate behavior
* Be yourself and have FUN without feeling threatened or scared

Know who you are with and why.
Depending on the circumstances, several things that might help to minimize personal injury are:
* if you can, first run away to a safer environment,
* if, for whatever the reason, running away is not an option, then yell loudly,
* or react strongly and say "stop!"
* or draw attention to yourself.

Tell a Counselor, Team Counselor, and parents right away.
