Personal Hero Team Meeting Print

We have created a section of team meetings dedicated to personal heroes. We all have people we personally look up to. Heroes are important for everyone, but particularly important for youth; they inspire us, excite us, and give us hope. counselor with youthWhether the hero is a real person or imaginary, whether they are an action hero who always saves the day, a firefighter, a parent, or a coach, heroes help us carry on. They remind us that there really is someone out there pulling for us and helping us and doing it with character. It is no wonder people get so excited over a returning veteran or a new action hero movie – heroes bring out the best in all of us. In that spirit, our Scouts hold a Personal Hero team meeting.


Choosing Personal Heroes


Scouts invite their personal hero to the meeting and everyone get a chance to introduce their hero and say why that person is a hero to them. Scouts choose their own hero. The Personal Hero should be someone who is a hero to that particular Scout. Popular choices include parents, friends, neighbors, doctors, nurses, educators, relatives, and spiritual leaders.


Heroes at the Team Meeting


Scouts discuss their hero during the personal hero portion of the team meeting. Each Scout should speak briefly, for around 30 seconds, about their hero. Afterward, Scouts should get the chance to ask questions of all the heroes. Because this may take longer than the usual personal hero portion of the team meeting, other portions of the meeting may need to be shortened or eliminated. Remember, the announcements and Best of America take place at every meeting. The heroes should feel free to take part in all portions of the meeting, but are not required to do so.




The Scouts’ personal heroes get the chance to become familiar with our Scout Programs and let others know about them. Our Scouts also get the opportunity to publicly thank their heroes and let their heroes know just how much they really are appreciated.