How–To Give an Orientation Print

The purpose of Orientation is to let Scouts and visitors, who may not be familiar with our Scout Programs, know what the Scout Programs of Adventure Scouts USA are. It also serves to inspire our Scouts each time they hear it and to remind them they are part of a fellowship dedicated to doing what is right while having FUN.

Orientation is covered entirely for all the Scouts at the first meeting. Any time a potential new Scout, a Scout’s family, or other visitor attends the team meeting, the full Orientation is repeated.

When Guests for the Activity Buffet come to the meeting, a short version of the Orientation is given.

Orientation can be given during the Scout Spirit! portion of the meeting if the Guests have arrived by that time.

Full Orientation:

In addition to one or more Scouts reading the following, one or more Scouts also recites ALL of the following:  the Scout Promise, Scout Code, Scout Motto, Scout Spirit, the Inspiration for North Star Scouts or Rising Star Scouts, and the Scout Movement.


"Adventure Scouts USA is the only fully nondiscriminatory Scout Program in the United States, with three different co-ed Scout Programs.  The Discovery Scouts are for ages 2 to 4, the Rising Star Scouts are for ages 5 to10 and the North Star Scouts are for ages 11 to 18.  We are brothers and sisters with all other Scouts.


The Scout Programs of Adventure Scouts USA are dedicated to Scouts having FUN!  We choose, organize and lead our meetings, programs and activities.  We personalize our Scout experience and have FUN.


We participate in everything from basketball to backpacking, snowboarding to stamp collecting.  Adventure Scouts do it all. 


We explore our own interests and go on adventures large and small.  We are action heroes when we have FUN and give our best!"


Short Orientation:


In addition to one or more Scouts reading the following, one or more Scouts also recites ONE of the following:  the Scout Promise, Scout Code, Scout Motto, Scout Spirit, the Inspiration for North Star Scouts or Rising Star Scouts, and the Scout Movement.


"Adventure Scouts USA is the only fully nondiscriminatory Scout Program in the United States, with three different co-ed Scout Programs.  The Discovery Scouts are for ages 2 to 4, the Rising Star Scouts are for ages 5 to10 and the North Star Scouts are for ages 11 to 18.  We are brothers and sisters with all other Scouts.


The Scout Programs of Adventure Scouts USA are dedicated to Scouts having FUN!  We choose, organize and lead our meetings, programs and activities.  We personalize our Scout experience and have FUN.

We participate in everything from basketball to backpacking, snowboarding to stamp collecting. Adventure Scouts do it all. 

We explore our own interests and go on adventures large and small.  We are action heroes when we have FUN and give our best!"