How-To Hold Scout Spirit! Print

The Scout Spirit! portion of the meeting provides our Scouts to better understand and appreciate the guideposts they have been provided in our Scout Programs.


A Scout can volunteer to present this section.  The chosen Scout will then lead the other Scouts in saying the portion of the Scout Program they have chosen and will then personally comment on what those words mean to them.  Scouts memorize and develop an appreciation how the Scout Promise, Scout Code, Scout Motto, and Scout Spirit are relevant to their daily life soon as they are able. 

diverse youth


  The Scout can choose from the following:

  • the Scout Promise
  • Scout Code
  • Scout Motto
  • Scout Spirit
  • the history of Adventure Scouts USA (can be read)
  • the history of the Scout Movement (can be read)

This portion of the meeting is also intended to serve as a full orientation to new Scouts, sibling, parents, and family members of Scouts, and visitors.  Activity Buffet Guests can receive a shorter orientation.