Rising Star Personal Achievement Award Levels Print

The Scout Programs of Adventure Scouts USA encourage our Scouts to participate in our Personal Achievement Programs. Our Personal Achievement Programs are a series of award levels that become more in depth and complex as the Scout grows. Award levels are comprehensive and build upon one another.

Rising Star Scout Award Levels:

Acorn: Like the small acorn that will grow into a mighty oak, our Scouts start out in our Rising Star Scout Program at the age of five, full of excitement and the wonder of life. They are bundles of possibility, ready to spring forth and discover the world.. Our Scouts see the world of today and of the past and wonder about it all.

Seeker: Our Scouts seek answers to their questions. They want to know what things are and how they work. Our Scouts are on their way, and seek the destinations they choose.

Tracker: Our Scouts gain the ability to track what they are seeking in life including high academic standards, skill in sports, and living a life of purpose. Our Scouts choose to track down their own interests, whether it is what life was like in ancient Egypt or how to find a dinosaur bone, for example.

Mapmaker: Our Scouts develop a map of where they want to go in life. Using our Game Plan for Life, our Scouts can actually map out exactly where they want to be in a week, six months, or five years. compass and mapThey get the opportunity to improve in areas they desire to work on. Our Scouts have many different places they want to go and ancient civilizations they want to discover.

Traveler: Now that they have a map of where they want to go, our Scouts can travel to new frontiers. They find themselves in destinations they always dreaming of going to, whether it is hiking in Yellowstone National Park or on the Honor Roll. Our Scouts have what they need to go on the adventures they choose, large or small.

Pioneer: Pioneers need gumption and spirit. Once our Scouts have traveled, they find they want to be the first to travel to new territories.pioneers They discover new ways of thinking and new ways of looking at life. Our Scouts want to be the first to discover new concepts and new artifacts.

Orion: The constellation known as Orion is a belt of stars which has been a lamppost for travelers for thousands of years. As our Scouts embark on the next part of their lives, they can follow the stars to lead to them to exciting new destinations, and of course, to lead them home. Ancient scholars used the stars to navigate and our Scouts are inspired by their example.

Quest: Our Scouts are now at the age when they are embarking on the quest of starting a new saga in their lives. The time of being a small child is over. As they take their first steps into a bigger and broader world, they begin a quest into the North Star Program. Ready to swing into action and find the treasure, our Scouts go on the quest of their lives!



Last Updated ( Monday, 10 December 2007 14:16 )