Balanced Path Challenges Print

 Field Topic Mission
  Promise, Motto and Code 
   1. The Scout has recited from memory the Promise, Motto and Code of Adventure Scouts USA and        explained their meaning in accordance with published guidelines.
   2. The Scout's conduct conforms to the Spirit of the Promise, Motto and Code of Adventure Scouts USA.
  Wearing of Uniform 

   1. The Scout wears the Uniform of Adventure Scouts USA according to published guidelines.
   2. The Scout wears the Uniform of Adventure Scouts USA in accordance with written guidelines and    helps others to do so.
  Scout Spirit 

   Recite the spirit of Adventure Scouts USA with your crew or team.
   Recite the Spirit of Adventure Scouts USA from memory.
   Explain the meaning of the Spirit of Adventure Scouts USA.
   Help another Scout to memorize the Spirit of Adventure Scouts USA.
   Do one thing that exemplifies the Spirit of Adventure Scouts USA.
   Do two things that exemplify the Spirit of Adventure Scouts USA.
   Do five things that exemplify the Spirit of Adventure Scouts USA.
   Do ten things that exemplify the Spirit of Adventure Scouts USA.
   Exemplify the Spirit of Adventure Scouts USA in your daily life.
   Write a ceremony.
   Write a ceremony and plan and lead it.
   Plan and participate in a group activity.
   Plan and create a print ad for potential use by Adventure Scouts USA.
   Plan and create a fundraising program for Adventure Scouts USA.
   Lead a fundraising program for Adventure Scouts USA.
   Demonstrate respect for others.
   In the movie City Slickers there is a discussion of what the one thing is, what is the one thing?
   Donate something of yours to a charity.
   Plan, organize, and lead a charitable donation drive.
 Community, Social Responsibility and Citizenship
  Flag Handling & Knowledge
   Demonstrate proper flag etiquette.
   Fold a flag.
   Fold the flag in a manner that allows it to break free when raised.
   Conduct a flag-raising and flag-lowering ceremony.
   Identify the design elements of the Flag of the United States of America and explain their meaning
   Recite the Pledge of Allegiance with your Team or Crew and explain what it means to you.
   Recite the Pledge of Allegiance from memory.
   Lead your Team or Crew in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
   Write a short essay about the history of the Pledge of Allegiance.

   Plan, organize, and lead a small community service project. 
   Plan, organize, and lead a large-scale community service project. 
   Plan, organize, and lead a portion of a community service project.
   Plan, organize, and lead a recycling community awareness event.
   Act as parliamentarian for a meeting.
   Plan, organize, and lead a clean-up project within your community.
   Plan, organize, and lead a bicycle safety community awareness event.
   Plan, organize, and lead a bicycle safety school awareness event.
   Plan, organize, and lead a first-aid community awareness event.
   Plan, organize, and lead a first-aid school awareness event.
   Enhance your community by planning, organizing, and leading a community improvement event.
   Enhance your community by participating in a community improvement event.
   Meet your neighbors.
   Help a neighbor.
   Interview someone who is a first generation American Citizen.
   Discuss good citizenship with an elected official.
   Attend a meeting of the local government.
   Attend a meeting of the school board.
   Attend a meeting of your city council or county/parish commissioners.
   Attend a session of your state or commonwealth legislative body.
   Attend a session of the United States House of Representatives or Senate.
   Attend a public meeting regarding an issue of interest to you, your family or community.
   Tour a courthouse.
   Attend a session of small claims court.
   Attend a session of traffic court.
   Distinguish between mediating versus arbitrating and mediate a dispute.
   Distinguish between arbitrating versus mediating and arbitrate a dispute.
   Volunteer your time to help a charity.
   Volunteer your time to help an environmental group.
   Attend a meeting of an environmental group.
   Plan, organize, and lead a conservation community awareness event.
   Write a letter expressing your opinion regarding an issue and mail it to three elected officials.
   Using email, write three elected officials expressing your opinion regarding an issue.
   Tour a post office.
   Tour a city hall.
   Tour a state capitol building.
   Tour the United Nations.
   Attend a session of the United Nations.
   Tour a foreign Embassy.
   Distinguish between the agencies of the National Park Service and the National Forest Service.   

   Identify the consequence of their creation.
   Plan, organize, and lead a small community service project.
   Plan, organize, and lead a large-scale community service project. 
   Plan, organize, and lead a portion of a community service project.
   Visit with an agent of the federal bureau of investigation.
   Discuss persuasive methods to affect a change regarding something you care about.  (Use of  non-violence)

   Recruit and enroll two new members in the programs of Adventure Scouts USA.
   Recruit and enroll five new members in the programs of Adventure Scouts USA.
   Recruit and enroll ten new members in the programs of Adventure Scouts USA.
   Recruit and enroll twenty new members in the programs of Adventure Scouts USA.
   Assist in the creation of a new team of Adventure Scouts USA.
   Meet with a coach and learn about his or her style of leadership.
   Meet with a school principal and learn about his or her style of leadership.
   Meet with an elected official and learn about his or her style of leadership.
   Meet with a teacher and learn about his or her style of leadership.
   Meet with a business executive and learn about his or her style of leadership.
   Lead a meeting.
   Prepare an agenda for a meeting.
   Prepare an agenda for a group activity other than a meeting.
   Prepare an agenda for a meeting and lead the meeting.
   Prepare an agenda for a group activity other than a meeting and lead the meeting.
   Plan, organize, and lead a portion of a meeting.
   Plan, organize, and lead an entire meeting.
 Outdoor Living Skills 1- Earth  

  On Your Way (Planning and Preparing for an Outing) 

   Plan and go on a hike with a snack
   Describe the buddy system and explain why you use it with any outdoor activity.
   Discuss procedures for staying found.
   Name the ten essentials you should have on every trip.
  Being Safe (Safety and Environmental Hazards) 

   List and discuss safety rules for hiking.
   Explain the importance of drinking water.
   Identify where you go and what to do if you are sick or injured.
   Identify natural outdoor hazards and ways to avoid them.
   Identify and draw pictures of poisonous or harmful plants.
   Identify where to go to the bathroom on a day hike.
  Putting it on Your Plate (Selection, Storage and Preparation of Food)

   Describe what makes good outdoor food.
   Plan and prepare a snack for a hike.
   Describe different methods (heat sources) for cooking.
   Plan and prepare a lunch.
   Clean up the site after lu nch.
  Tools and Ties (Use of Tools and Knots) 

   Demonstrate the proper use and storage of a peeler and can opener.
   Demonstrate two stopper knots: an overhand knot and figure eight knot.
   Describe what those knots are for.
   Describe and show the different parts of a rope used for knot tying.
  Finding Your Way (Map and Compass) 

   Show how to hold a compass, demonstrate how to find north, south, east and west.
   Describe what can prevent a compass from working property.
   Locate your home or camp on a highway or city map.
   Draw a simple map of your camp or neighborhood.
  Exploring Your World (The Environment and Our Place and Responsibility in It) 

   Play a nature game that helps you understand ecology.
   Using your senses of sight, touch, smell and hearing, describe 10 things in your outdoor camping area.
   Describe what minimum impact means.
   Draw a picture or make a poster showing animals, birds & insects in their natural environment and explain how to watch, protect and respect them.
   While camping or hiking, identify camouflaged animals and birds.


Outdoor Living Skills 2- Sun


  On Your Way (Planning and Preparing for an Outing) 

  • Plan and go on an all day hike with a lunch meal that doesn't require cooking
  • Pack a day pack
  • Discuss appropriate clothing for your hike
  • Describe different kinds of shelters and what situations to use them in
  • Demonstrate how to set up a tarp tent or emergency shelter

 Being Safe
(Safety and environmental hazards)

Discuss personal health practices in camp

  • Describe your water source for the hike
  • Identify 3 plants, animals and insects that are harmful to humans
  • Name 3 things that might require first aid
  • Explain what to do if you see a wild animal such as a bear
  • Describe steps to take in the event of a thunderstorm
 Putting it on Your Plate
(selection, storage, preparation of food)
Describe where to build an open fire and when it is appropriate
  • Identify and find tinder, kindling, and small fuel
  • Demonstrate how to build a fire
  • Demonstrate appropriate methods for extinguishing a fire and discuss appropriate methods for disposing of the remaining contents and why you would do so
  • Plan, prepare and cook one meal and one snack
Putting it on Your Plate
(selection, storage, preparation of food) 
  • Describe where to build an open fire and when it is appropriate
  • Identify and find tinder, kindling, and small fuel
  • Demonstrate how to build a fire
  • Demonstrate appropriate methods for extinguishing a fire and discuss appropriate methods for disposing of the remaining contents and why you would do so
  • Plan, prepare and cook one meal and one snack

Tools and Ties
(Use of tools and knots)

  • Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a trowel and paring knife
  • Demonstrate 2 joiner knots: a square knot and a sheet bend
  • Describe what these k nots are used for

Finding Your Way
(map and compass)

  • Explain the difference between a planimeteric map and topographical map and how each is used
  • Demonstrate where the cardinal points and inner cardinal points are on a compass
  • Determine the average length of your pace
  • Measure 150 feet by pacing

Exploring Your World
(the environment and our place and responsibility in it)

  • Recite the OLS pledge
  • Describe what it means to pollute and identify three places that are polluted and why
  • Describe what you can do to minimize pollution
  • Describe the LAWS of nature
  • While camping or hiking, identify camouflaged animals and birds
  • Describe two animals that use adaptations in their environment


Outdoor Living Skills 3- Water

On Your Way (Planning and Preparing for an Outing) 

  • Plan and go on an overnight trip with 3 meals
  • Pack an overnight backpack
  • Demonstrate how to properly fit a backpack
  • Describe the criteria for selecting a tent site
  • Demonstrate how to set up a tent
  • Describe the proper way to layer your clothing and why it is important

Being Safe
(Safety and environmental hazards)


  • List and discuss safety rules for an overnight trip
  • Explain how to prevent injuries from happening
  • Identify contents of first aid kit and for what contents are used
  • Describe 2 different toilet practices and when you should use them
  • Identify the signs of serious weather conditions in your area and what you should do

Putting it on Your Plate
(selection, storage, preparation of food)


  • Describe safety precautions for using a camp stove
  • With appropriate adult supervision demonstrate proper use of a camp stove
  • Plan and carry out sanitizing of cooking utensils, dishes, trash etc
  • Demonstrate methods of care, storage and protection of food from insects, animals and spoilage
  • Plan 3 meals, cooking at least 2
Tools and Ties
(Use of tools and knots)
  • Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a pocket knife
  • Demonstrate the safe and proper way to sharpen a knife
  • Explain the difference between a knot and a hitch
  • Demonstrate a clove hitch and a half hitch


Finding Your Way
(map and compass)


  • Identify north, the legend and 3 landmarks on a topographic map
  • Demonstrate how to take a bearing and how to find a bearing
  • With a group, lay a compass course using 5 changes of direction, identifying bearings & distance at each change
  • Follow a compass course another group has set

 Outdoor Living Skills 4- Weather




On Your Way (Planning and Preparing for an Outing)


  • Plan a 2-night overnight with a complete menu for 5 meals with 3 away from base camp
  • Go on overnight trip with a group using tent or tarp shelter
  • Plan the cooking gear needed
  • Pack your personal gear and help pack the group gear for your trip

Being Safe
(Safety and environmental hazards)


  • Discuss and know your responsibilities for first aid
  • Help prepare a group first aid kit
  • Demonstrate at least one method for purifying water and describe one other method
  • Learn effects of cold and heat related illnesses and what to do if you encounter them
  • Develop and sign an individual health and safety agreement
Putting it on Your Plate
(selection, storage, preparation of food)
  • Demonstrate how to hang your food to protect it
  • Describe at least 2 other ways to protect your food on trail
  • Prepare one meal without c ooking
  • Help plan and pack the food for the trip

Tools and Ties
(Use of tools and knots)


  • Identify tools needed for overnight
  • Demonstrate their use, care, safety and storage
  • Discuss type, size, use & care of ropes in camp
  • Demonstrate how to tie a bowline and a taughtline hitch


 Finding Your Way
(map and compass)


  • Make a simple map of an outdoor area using a compass and pacing
  • Describe what declination is, how and why we need to adjust for declination
  • Learn about the Big Dipper and use it to find the north star
  • Describe how you can determine direction without a compass

Exploring Your World
(the environment and our place and responsibility in it)


  • Draw an example of an ecosystem
  • Define an omnivore, herbivore and carnivore and give an example of each
  • Observing clouds, wind & temperature, predict the weather daily for a week
  • Discuss the weather conditions for your trip

 Outdoor Living Skills 5- Stars  


On Your Way (Planning and Preparing for an Outing)  


  • Write a trip plan for a 3 night overnight with non-motorized travel
  • Write an emergency plan for your trip and include a communications plan and file it with the appropriate people
  • Assist in leading the planned trip with appropriate adult supervision
  • Assist a younger group in properly fitting their pack

Being Safe
(Safety and environmental hazards)

Take a basic community first aid course
  • Evaluate safety rules for 3 night trip
  • Have your group sign a health and safety agreement, and discuss why it is necessary
  • Learn common health or allergy problems of your group
  • Carry out a sanitation plan having minimum impact on the environment

 Putting it on Your Plate
(selection, storage, preparation of food)


  • Plan complete menus considering nutritional needs, demands of the activity, availability of water, type of food needed for safe consumption & minimum impact on the environment
  • Pack food for the trip and work with the group to decide on meal responsibilities during the trip

Tools and Ties
(Use of tools and knots)


  • Explain why saws, axes and other cutting tools are not appropriate for use in minimum impact programs
  • Demonstrate whipping a rope
  • Teach how to tie a stopper knot, a joiner knot, and a hitch

Finding Your Way
(map and compass)


    • Plan an off trail hike in an appropriate area using a map and compass
    • Use a topographical map to route your trip and identify areas where the route may be more difficult
    • Teach a group to use a compass course
    • During your trip, identify your landmark and take a bearing at least three times

    Exploring Your World
    (the environment and our place and responsibility in it)
    o         participate in a conservation project for at least one day and write a newsletter article, story or poem on the experience o         Describe the food chain & how humans fit into the chain o         Keep a journal of your weather prediction and the actual weather 


Last Updated ( Saturday, 16 February 2008 09:31 )