Friends Through Competition Print

Friends Through Competition is a unique program we offer. 

Sports are a healthy, enjoyable activity, and are very important in the lives of some of our Scouts.  Healthy competition, playing by the rules, giving your best, and winning while participating with good character are part of the FUN.  Our Scouts get the opportunity to improve their strength and athletic skill while playing the sports they enjoy.  youth playing soccer

Our Friends Through Competition Program encourages our Scouts to help each other succeed.  We appreciate some of our Scouts do not excel at sports and others simply do not enjoy playing them, but all our Scouts can improve athletically when they receive help and support from each other.  

However, we have all unfortunately seen youth sporting events go awry, particularly when some adults present choose to express their desire to see youth excel in unhealthy ways.  Youth also learn this behavior and begin to take games too seriously.  Friends Through Competition stresses the importance of helping each other and universal values of good sportsmanship.


We respect our Scouts’ drive, thirst for competition, and desire to win.  However, we believe these things can be accomplished while our Scouts keep in mind the way they are living and leading their lives according to our Scout Code, Scout Promise, and Scout Spirit.


Scouts who are high achievers in athletics coach those who are not.  The winner of the race gives pointers to the other Scouts, encouraging FUN and Scout brotherhood.

Last Updated ( Friday, 07 December 2007 13:03 )