Member Benefits Print

We provide member benefits to our Scouts and Members as a part of our desire to enhance the value of membership in our Scout Programs.hands

Our members undoubtedly have experience with member benefits, as the idea is everywhere, from professional organizations to auto clubs.  Just about every group is offering someone something.  One of our member benefits is to explain the reality of member benefits, so you can see when you really benefiting and when you are being offered something with little or no value in other entities you participate in

A good benefit is something you can rarely find anywhere else, something you will use, and something that will truly benefit you in some way.  The usual benefit is the same old stuff you see associated with every group, things you are unlikely to use, or things you can get a better discount on in some other way.

Our Benefits

We offer some benefits you will find other places and some which are exclusive to us.  When we offer benefits that can be found other places, we ensure the discount is as good or better than any you could get on your own.  Our discounts offered at known vendors are the highest available.

Our exclusive benefits are benefits which cannot be found anywhere else. 

We strive to be the foremost member-service oriented entity in the United States.  As such, one of our member benefits is educating our members and helping them make better choices.


Last Updated ( Monday, 24 December 2007 05:43 )