The Definition of Program Print

In the Scout Programs of Adventure Scouts USA, we use the word “program” in a variety of ways.  The word “program” means a plan of action, a scheduled activity or procedure, or a group of activities and procedures.   

Our meaning of the word “program” is often dependent upon whether or not it is capitalized.  We use the capitalized word “Program” or “Programs” to describe the larger umbrella of our entire Scout Programs.  We have two Scout Programs, the Rising Star Scout Program, and the North Star Scout Program.  When we refer to our “Scout Programs”, we are referring to both programs together.


three youth hiking


The lower case “programs”, as in meetings, programs and activities , is used for smaller curriculum beneath our umbrella Scout Programs.  For example, our Religious Recognition Program is a program – it is a scheduled activity or procedure that is done by Scouts in both of our Scout Programs.  Our Personal Achievement Programs are also programs beneath the banner of our Scout Programs.  It is up to our Scouts which programs they would like to participate in.  It is not required to participate in any particular program.  Our programs are offered to our Scouts if they wish to participate, but our Scouts in our Scout Programs are not required to participate in any single program.
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 11 December 2007 14:46 )