The Rising Star Scout Promise |
Our Scout Programs provide our Scouts opportunities to demonstrate their enhanced good character by using, as guidance, our Scout Promise, Scout Code, and Scout Spirit. We believe character counts and when combined with effort and a positive attitude, our Scouts are truly giving their best. We also believe this contributes to our Scouts living and leading their lives in a meaningful way. Periodically, our Rising Star Scouts engage in action hero play. Complete with capes, costumes, and catchphrases, our younger Scouts are encouraged to take on the persona of larger than life heroes who fight to help others. Action heroes, like our Scouts, have a code that they follow. Unlike action heroes who use their powers sparingly and only when necessary, our Rising Star Scouts use their Scout promise as a way to live their everyday life. The Rising Star Scout Promise The Scout Programs of Adventure Scouts USA do not require our Scouts to swear an oath, but asks each to make a promise. Below is the Rising Star Scout Promise:
Rising Star Scout Promise (5 to 10 year old Scouts)
As a Rising Star Scout I love my family and my friends, our community and country too. I wonder about it all, stand tall and true, and I Give my Best in all I do.
These are not just nice-sounding words. When our Rising Star Scouts begin saying their promise, we want them to understand the words they are using. When our Scouts say “I..” rather than “we…” they become invested in the words they are saying and make them their own.
I love my family…
We started with the basics. We chose words that inspire and ring true for young children such as love of family. We promote strong families and strengthen family values by offering opportunities for our Scouts to spend time naturally with multiple generations of their family and extended family members. When our Scouts say “I love my family…” those words may be simple, but they mean the world to our younger Scouts who get the opportunity to spend time baking pizza with Mom or recreating old radio shows with Grandpa. Our Scouts love their families and one of the ways they demonstrate it is by spending quality time with them. And my friends…
Our Rising Star Scouts love their friends. Our Scout Programs encourage our Scouts to forge the bonds of friendship. In fact, a portion of each meeting is devoted to games which encourage friendship between our Scouts. Rising Star Scouts are at the age that they are developing social skills and learning the definitions of concepts such as sharing, fair play, good sportsmanship, and consensus. We help our Rising Star Scouts develop social skills they will need and use the rest of their lives.
Our community….
Our Rising Star Scouts are part of several different communities: their families, friendship groups, their neighborhood, city, nation, and as members of our Scout Programs. We help our Scouts recognize they are part of a whole by participating in activities in service to the greater community, such as baking cookies with their parents and delivering them with adult assistance at holiday time. We encourage our Rising Star Scouts to step into their communities and begin forging ties and giving to others, with emphasis on simple concepts such as sharing. Because of their uniforms, but most of all because of their enthusiasm, our Scouts are always recognized in the community as a force for good.
And Country too….
Our country is another community our Scouts are members of. Our Rising Star Scouts demonstrate love of their country by voting democratically on their own activities. We encourage them to begin to understand the political process and that they too have a voice. We do not neglect the feelings and input of our Rising Star Scouts. For instance, if a family watches the news together, young children may have questions and concerns about what they see. We encourage them to speak up and talk to Team Counselors and their parents about their ideas. Sometimes the youngest voices among us are the wisest.
I wonder about it all….
Our Rising Star Scouts are filled with wonder and awe about the world they live in. We enable our Scouts to increase their knowledge of their faith or worldview, and to develop a spiritual approach to life. We encourage our Scouts to stop and smell the wildflowers! Though a spiritual approach to life can mean many different things to different people, we encourage all our Scouts to take time to reflect and appreciate their lives and the wonder of nature. We enable our Scouts to be part of our Religious Recognition Program or Ethics Recognition Program. We strive to enhance character instilled by parents. Imagining the wonder and awe on the faces of Rising Star Scouts as they see giant Redwoods or watch a hummingbird fly for the first time is inspirational to us all.
Stand tall and true….
Our Rising Star Scouts stand tall and true because they stand up for what they believe is right. Life presents us all with challenges. We want our Scouts to know they have the strength and fortitude to handle what might come along. We encourage them to live their lives with a sense of inclusiveness and good character. In the school lunchroom, our Scouts are expected to sit with someone who is alone and speak up when they witness an injustice. We instill in our Scouts the confidence that they can accomplish whatever they set their minds to.
And I give my best in all I do….
All our Scouts give their best in all they do. Our Rising Star Scouts are learning about concepts such as fair play. During their Challenges, in which demonstrate a learned skill, they are asked whether they really gave their best. If they answer that they did not, we ask them to concentrate on giving their best during the next Challenge. They know we recognize and appreciate it every time they give their best. It is the effort that counts, and our Rising Star Scouts develop confidence in themselves each time they give their best. |