Safety Procedures Print

National Procedures

The National Organization will proscribe the following procedures for the safe conduct of activities for every activity: Procedures for approval for the conduct of activities, appointment of authorized persons, information for and approval from parents or guardians. The information must include those leaders attending the activity, sleeping and transportation arrangements. Emergency arrangements including first aid and method of transportation to and from the activity including the route to be taken. No one other than an adult leader who is a part of this organization can assume responsibility for safety, ever.

Spirit of Safety

It is preferred all equipment and safety practices exceed generally accepted standards to maximize protection for all. Everyone involved, whether the Scouter, Scout, or volunteer, is responsible for safety. All persons are responsible to ensure that the activities participated in will not endanger the safety and the health of themselves and others. Implementation of safety practices is not only the responsibility of all, but the obligation of each and every one.girls climbing When an opportunity to increase for maximum safety is observed, that standard must be the one that is used.

Youth Protection

At all times, all activities must safeguard the health, safety and welfare of all. Protection from sexual, emotional, and physical harm must be the overriding concern at all times.All persons are owed the right to have their rights, feelings, and dignity protected. As participation requires earning the ongoing trust of participants and the public, appropriate behavior is required under all circumstances.

Circumstances Which Require Reporting

It is better to err on the side of caution. It is the responsibility of all members to report behavior or conduct which may be harmful emotionally, physically, and sexually. This includes:

  • what is inappropriate
  • what may be perceived as inappropriate

Reports should be made first to legal authorities, and then immediately to the national organization:


When transportation is conducted by private automobiles the following shall apply:

  • All vehicles must be validly registered and carry third-party liability insurance.
  • Drivers shall be validly licensed
  • All drives must be over the age of 21.

Local and state traffic laws and regulations relating to the use of seat belts, seating arrangements, the loading and distribution of equipment including the consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs, and cell phones shall be observed. The owner of a motorcycle can only transport their own child on the motorcycle. No demonstration rides are permitted. Hitch-hiking is prohibited. There shall be no consumption of alcohol or drugs including those prescribed unless medically necessary within a twenty-four hour period prior to serving as a driver. NOTICE: in the event of an accident, any person who is injured must be reported to the national office. All vehicles shall be checked prior to transport to verify the road-worthiness of the vehicle.

Safety While Walking on Public Roads

All precautions necessary to insure the safety of all those using a public road must be undertaken.

Drugs and Alcohol Policy

The consumption of alcohol at Scout activities is prohibited except under extremely limited circumstances. Drugs are prohibited unless medically necessary.


Weapons including firearms shall not be carried into, stored, or used at any activity of any of the programs except with the prior approval of the national organization. When permission is granted, the firearms may only be used at a shooting range with an authorized adult in charge.


Scouts may only carry folding-clasp knives. The blade length may not exceed four inches.

Fire Persons supervising outdoor activities during which a fire may be used including for the purpose of campfires or cooking must insure that local rules are followed and that all participants take maximum safety precautions.

Activities Which Include Pioneering Projects

It is preferred all equipment and safety practices exceed generally accepted standards to maximize protection for all. Which shall include:

  • Four-point attachment helmets
  • Ropes must be under tension
  • Suitable equipment must be used.

Male and Female Accommodations

All persons must have separate sleeping equipment, i.e. an individual bed or sleeping bag. Dormitories or sleeping facilities must be partitioned with areas for males versus females. Adults may not change in front of or shower in front of Scouts unless wearing a bathing suit.

Water Safety

No one other than an adult leader who is a part of this organization can assume responsibility for safety, ever. The persons supervising water activities must take the following precautions:

  • A buddy system must be enacted and all swimmers must keep each other in sight and immediately report any disappearance or difficulty.girl near water wearing life jacket
  • There must be regular buddy checks.
  • The location must be verified for obstacles, depths, and swiftness of the current, including things that might be under the surface.

Water Crafts

All persons shall wear personal flotation devices at all times. This shall apply in every circumstance in every type of water craft, including boats, canoes, kayaks, rafts, and log-rolling, as well as any other non-swimming water activity. Prior to water craft being used, persons shall contact the national office in order to verify the craft's compliance with the national organization's minimum safety standards.

Adventure Activities

The national office must approve the following prior to their occurence: mountain-climbing, rock climbing, and cave exploration. Even when permission is granted, safety practices must exceed generally accepted standards to maximize protection for all.

Prohibited Activities

Activities which include the following are prohibited:

  • Air activities in which the participant is not a passenger on a plane
  • Four-wheel driving including off-road
  • Bungee jumping