What first starts out, perceived as unique, in time is recognized as the standard. Internationally, some Scout Programs and Scout Organizations were established immediately with co-ed membership. Others, decades ago, transitioned to co-ed membership. The Scout Movement internationally has been moving in the direction of co-ed Scout programs and of encouraging more to join in the Fellowship of the Scout Movement. As the newest American Scout Programs, Adventure Scouts USA is proud our Scout Programs are co-ed, modern and up to date with the ability to evolve. Our Scout Programs are designed to evolve because our Scout Programs are by and for our Scouts. It is our desire to positively contribute to how Americans perceive youth and to strengthen the values of family, relationships, character, and the Scout Movement generally. As the only fully nondiscriminatory American Scout Program and the newest, we have the unique opportunity to encourage increased participation in the Scout Movement by including those who formerly did not wish to participate in the Scout Movement, have been excluded by other Scout Programs or Scout Organizations, have failed to have their participation valued or suggestions appreciated, have not been fully welcomed or have found their interests were not valued. It is our desire to encourage more to join the Scout Movement whether in our Scout Program or another Scout Program or Scout Organization. Our Scout Programs promote strong families and strengthen family values. Our programs offer families natural ways to spend time together, which contribute to, providing balance in the life of the family. Our Scout Programs offer families with male and female children the opportunity to participate in one Scout Program. Our Scout Programs also enable all of the children in a family to participate in one Scout Program, particularly when one or more of the children or their friends are excluded or not fully welcomed by another Scout Program or Scout Organization. As a membership based co-ed Scout Program, we encourage freedom of choice which enables each of our Scouts and Members to personalize their Scout Program participation. These unique characteristics contribute to increasing participation in the Scout Movement.