Hello and Welcome, We stand at the beginning of an amazing journey. A journey filled with hope, adventure and of the opportunity to help everyone be the finest persons they can be. You are welcome to come near and to enjoy the warmth of the fire and of friends. This is an exciting time and across America, all may now participate in the adventure of the Scouts! What sets our Scout Programs apart is that we believe in a bright future for all. We believe opportunities should be equal and earned, and the measure of a person is their choices and the content of their character. Baden Powell, one of the Founders of the Scout Movement said the Scouts are “a movement, because it moves forward. As soon as it stops moving, it becomes an Organization, and is no longer Scouting.” We are the only fully nondiscriminatory, co-ed Scout Program in the United States. We enable all to enjoy the privilege of the Scouts in the American Spirit. We pride ourselves on being the only American Scout Program which is for Every Family, Every Child, Everywhere. We believe people benefit by participating in our Scout Programs because they are cost effective and contribute to our Scouts living more active, adventurous, and healthier lives. It is only with the help of good persons like yourself, we can ensure the future remains bright and all are included within the fellowship of the Scout Movement. Scout Programs of Adventure Scouts USA bridge every community, and permit the involvement of young people in the heart of the inner city to the most rural of locations. All are welcome including those who cannot afford traditional participation or are challenged. We value the participation of all those who seek to improve the lives of others, and appreciate suggestions. The Scout Programs of Adventure Scouts USA are proud to be the only Scout Program, national organization member of CHARACTER COUNTS!. CHARACTER COUNTS!, is a nonpartisan alliance of leading human-service and educational organizations working together to strengthen the character of young people today and-- safeguard tomorrow for all. Our Scout Programs are interactive and challenging. Both on a team and individual basis, our Scouts choose, organize, and lead their own programs, meetings, and activities. While some of our activities are more demanding and thought-provoking than others, we have developed modern Scout Programs which are especially attractive to youth, with an appreciation for the differences in location and unique qualities each of our Scouts possess. We desire our Scouts to do more than mere memorization and instead, be able to analyze circumstances and information, and be able to use their capabilities to solve situations. We do not look for perfection, rather we ask our Scouts to Give their Best. Similarly, we encourage all those interested in our endeavor to Give their Best. The legacy we are creating is a Scout Program where opportunities are equal and earned, and in which individuals are measured by their talents, abilities, and the content of their character. We encourage hope in each of our Scouts, and help them to reach their individual potential. We affirm the value all are welcome in the Scout Programs of Adventure Scouts USA, and encourage you to join with us to be a part of the future—Now. We hope you are as excited as we are. After all, it is youth who are our future, and our present. “Never doubt that a small group of dedicated people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has”. Margaret Mead