The Scout Movement is an international fellowship and there are Scout Programs or Scout Organizations in nearly every country in the world. Within the United States, and many other countries, there are multiple Scout Programs or Scout Organizations and we encourage all our Scouts and Members to interact with those from other programs or organizations. International Scout Associations are non-governmental and were formed to assist the national groups who share the principles of their Scout Association. There is no individual International Scout entity which charters Scout Programs or Scout Organizations. International Scout Associations are individual entities, each with their own set of rules and regulations, as would be expected. There are several International Scout Associations. Each of them has no relationship with the others. They each have members from all over the globe. Each International Scout Association handles membership and voting differently. Some accept several different Scout entities from one nation as members, others allow only one member per nation. Some handle voting when there are several Scout Programs or Scout Organizations who are members of the same International Scout Association from one country by entitling each a vote, others allow only one vote per country.