How to Find Interested Parents and Scouts |
If you would like to sponsor a team, you will need interested parents and Scout. You can find them in a variety of ways.
1 – Talk to people
If you are a religious leader:
You can mention the start of a new team to members of your church or temple and mention it at sermons where appropriate.
If you are a member of a parent/teacher group:
You can bring the start of a team up as new business and ask the members to consider sponsorship.
If you are member of a community or service organization:
You can bring the start of a team up as new business and mention it to members.
If you are a business leader:
You can mention the start of a team at meetings, picnics, get-togethers and when appropriate, hold a meeting to discuss sponsorship.
Below is basic script that you can use to speak with others. Of course feel free to put it in your own words:
“Adventure Scouts USA is the only fully nondiscriminatory Scout Program in the United States, with three Scout Program, all coed, for ages 2-18. Our Scouts choose, organize, and lead their meetings, programs and activities, doing what is FUN for them.”
2 – Fliers
If you are a religious leader:
You can hang fliers at your location in common rooms and particularly at a children’s service or in children’s play rooms.
If you are a member of a parent/teacher group:
You can hang fliers at the meeting location and arrange to hang them in schools.
If you are a member of a community or service organization:
You can hang fliers at your location and at locations families are likely to find them in the community you serve.
If you are a business leader:
You can hang fliers at your work place such as the lunch room or an area where notices are posted.
3 – Print communication
If you are a religious leader:
You can list information about us in your bulletin or newsletter.
If you are a member of a parent/teacher group:
You can list information in the newsletter or email that members receive.
If you are a member of a community or service organization:
You can list information in a newsletter your organization provides and provide information to any organizations you serve in your community so they can include it in their newsletter too.
If you are a business leader:
You can list information in corporate communication such as newsletter or email that goes out to employees.
Below is basic script that you can use to post to a blog. Of course feel free to put it in your own words:
“Adventure Scouts USA is the only fully nondiscriminatory Scout Program in the United States, with three Scout Program, all coed, for ages 2-18. Our Scouts choose, organize, and lead their meetings, programs and activities, doing what is FUN for them.”