We have three Scout Programs, each geared toward different ages with age appropriate activities for each. Discovery Scout Program The Discovery Scout Program is for youth under five. Discovery Scouts get the opportunity to make new friends and join in the adventure. They attend Discovery Scout activities with a parent. Examples of activities are: Discovering Dance, Wild Wonder Workshops, and events in which they come dressed as their favorite costumed hero. Rising Star Scout Program The Rising Star Scout Program is for youth aged 5-10. Activities are appropriate for that age group. We carry the Action Hero theme into the Rising Star Scout Program. One of the main features of our Rising Star Scout Program is Action Hero Play. Occasionally our Rising Star Scouts can dress up as their favorite action heroes to attend meetings and sleepovers. They acquire the knowledge of what makes a real hero a hero and that they are heroes too every time they help someone else and use fair play. With our Rising Star Scouts, we concentrate on learning the rules of games, good sportsmanship, and kindness to others. We enable our Scouts to develop confidence and character as instilled by parents. Our Rising Star Scouts choose, organize, and lead their own meetings, programs, and activities. Rising Star Scouts choose what they would like to do, such as playing baseball, launching rockets, and going camping. North Star Scout Program The North Star Scout Program is for youth aged 11-18. Activities are appropriate for that age group. North Star Scouts develop an appreciation for adventure in their lives. We feature camping and backpacking trips which develop true proficiency in first aid and outdoor skills in our Scouts. We also feature activities to specifically interest our Scouts over the age of 14, including programs designed to introduce them to business and community leaders. Our Scouts develop confidence and have FUN while participating in our North Star Scout Program. 
Our North Star Scouts choose, organize, and lead their own meetings, programs, and activities. North Star Scouts choose their own activities such as making a telescope, skateboarding, and backpacking. Information about each aspect of our Scout Programs can be found on the menu. For example, to read more about Personal Achievement, just click on Personal Achievement on the website menu.