Q: What is Adventure TV? Adventure TV is web video/podcast/ TV channel of Adventure Scouts USA. Our Scouts and members upload videos to us, which we feature on the website. Q: How does it work? Our Scouts and members create videos on camcorders or even mobile phones and upload them to us. We put the videos online for all our Scouts and members to see. Q: What are the standards a video must meet before it is uploaded to Adventure Scouts USA? All content must adhere to a “G” rating, as defined by the Motion Picture Association of America. Depictions of violence must be minimal, and no sex, nudity, strong language, or drug use may be present. We also appreciate that the video contain no use of alcohol or cigarettes. Q: What legal issues are important to understand before uploading a video to Adventure Scouts USA? Anyone featured in your video must sign an appearance release form, which we must receive. Those under the age of 18 must have their parents sign the release form for them. Please make sure there is no music, unless you have written it yourself, in the videos. Permission from the record company and the publishing company would be necessary to feature the song, a request which would likely be denied or cost much more than you are ready to pay. If you are shooting on private property, get a property release form signed by the owner. Q: Where can I find these release forms? They are available for download on our website under “Resources”. Q: What are your standards for journalism videos? All information in a journalism video MUST be fact checked before the video is uploaded to the web site of Adventure Scouts USA. We are not responsible for content. Sources must be cited.