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The Scout Programs of Adventure Scouts USA offer our Scouts the opportunity to acquire many new skills from skateboard techniques to resourcefulness, from setting up a tent to self-esteem.  But our first and foremost goal is for our Scouts to safely have FUN.


A Modern New Program Devoted to FUN

Wipe the dust off your old ideas about Scout Programs.  We created the kind of Scout Programs we would want to join – programs that are FUN and exciting and never talk down to youth.  If our Scouts want to do it, it is part of our Scout Programs.  teen with soccer ballAs part of our Scout Programs, our Scouts skateboard, play soccer, go mountain biking, hold video game championships, camp, and backpack, just for starters.  Our activities and philosophies are modern for modern youth.




FUN is in every aspect of our Scout Programs from our activities, to our programs, to our team meetings.  Our activities uniquely allow our Scouts to compete against themselves rather than each other.  Games are by nature competitive or they are not FUN, but because our Scouts compete against themselves rather than each other, all, not just a few, have FUN. girls on roller coaster It does not matter if our Scouts cannot run fast, jump high, or already know many outdoor skills, our Scouts are asked to always give their best.  As each of our Scouts is different, each one gives their best in a different way.  If our Scouts need additional resources to participate in their adventures, we seek those resources.  In our Scout Programs, everyone plays.




We have a variety of programs we have created for our Scouts.  For example, in our Personal Achievement Programs, our Scouts get the opportunity to gain new skills while having FUN.  Whether it is learning to set up a tent or acquiring a great three point shot on basketball, our Scouts choose their Challenges and thereby have FUN.  Because the decisions were chosen, organized, and led by them, they have the opportunity to participate in activities they are excited about.




Our meetings are also devoted to FUN.  A portion of the team meeting in which invited Guests interact with our Scouts is called the Activity Buffet.  Our Scouts choose the Guests they want to come to the Activity Buffet.  They can choose any Guests they would like including athletes, backpackers, magicians, firefighters, and comic book illustrators.  If our Scouts have an interest, they are encouraged to pursue that interest.  Our Scouts vote on Guests, contact the Guests themselves, and can be interacting with the Guests of their choice at the next meeting.


The Only Word in All Caps


There is only word we consistently use in all capital letters and that is FUN.   FUN is essential to our Scout Programs because it is essential to everyone’s lives.  Our Scouts choose, organize, and lead their own FUN meetings, programs and activities.  We enable our Scouts to explore the ideas that foster passion and joyous life.  We do more and our Scouts all have FUN.

Adventure Scouts USA