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Our Scouts vote for their chosen activities

Scouts use consensus to come to a decision

A sense of “ownership” of their own teams fosters a sense of belonging in our Scouts


The experiment called Democracy which the forefathers and mothers of our country took up over 200 years continues to grow, expand, and be more relevant than ever.  The Scout Programs of Adventure Scouts USA value Democracy and free choice so much, we have created our Scout Programs around it.  Freedoms extended to our Scouts permits our Scout Programs to evolve and be tailor-made to individual Scouts and their team adventures.  Our commitment to equal opportunities for each member is a cornerstone of our Scout Programs.  Our individual and team programs provide learning opportunities that instill a sense of adventure and broaden the horizons for our Scouts.  We are conscious of our responsibility to learn for today and therefore plan for tomorrow.  Our Scout Programs develop the best in each of our Scouts.clip art voting


We Operate Democratically


Democracy trusts the people and, in the Scout Programs of Adventure Scouts USA, we trust our Scouts.  During our programs, meetings, and activities, our Scout Programs operate democratically.  Our Scouts choose, organize, and lead their own activities.  Team Counselors are on-hand to ensure health and safety, but our Scouts brainstorm, vote, choose, and carry out their own activities.  We felt it was vital to give our Scouts this level of freedom.  Because we treat our Scouts as people worthy of respect, they pay us back tenfold with their amazing ideas and imaginations, and the level of maturity they are capable of.


Our Scout Programs enable our Scouts to choose, organize, and lead their own meetings, programs, and activities.  Our Scouts each get a vote.  Ours is a Scout Program by and for our Scouts, and they guide team operations, and get input on the appearance of their uniform.  After all, they are the ones wearing it.


Voting is on a completely Democratic and nondiscriminatory basis.  One Scout, one vote.  Our Scouts understand their votes count!  Our Scouts discuss the issue and reach a consensus, meaning they discuss the issue until everyone agrees about their activities.  The concepts they develop about consensus last a lifetime.


When activities are taking place, Democracy is at the forefront.  Our Scouts choose for themselves, so they are free to explore what interests them.  Our Scouts are not given mindless tasks, such as making one bookmark after another.  Our Scouts do what they want.  That is why our Scouts launch rockets, ride mountain bikes, and play sports.


Rights and Responsibilities


Along with the Democratic ability to choose, we foster the sense of responsibility that goes with it.  We understand that sometimes choices are not easy, and that it can be difficult sometimes just to get through the day.  One of our goals is to instill in every Scout that he or she can achieve and can make choices, which while they may require effort, will be rewarding for themselves, their families, and their entire communities.


The Scouts of Adventure Scouts USA choose their own activities, and have responsibility  to meaningfully participate at all levels.  They have more than just a voice; they have actual responsibility and have the opportunity to develop new options.  We encourage cooperation based upon brainstorming and democratic principles.  Our Scout Programs operate for our Scouts, by our Scouts.  If they believe something can be done better, it is their freedom and their obligation to improve the experience for everyone.


We Are Passionate About Democracy


Youth do not get much of a chance to develop ownership of their own time and how they spend it.  In school and after, youth often live out pre-ordained schedules.  We wanted our Scouts to have the opportunity to determine how they spend their time and why.  We wanted them to have the opportunity to discover how to be responsible citizens before becoming adults.the Constitution


If there is an idea, we foster it.  A passion, we encourage it. Counselors are on hand to ensure health and safety, but in the Scout Programs of Adventure Scouts USA, the Scouts are in charge.  Our Scouts have no limits but their own imagination!


We take every opportunity to allow our Scouts the freedom that every human heart craves.  We co uple freedom with the responsibility that compliments it.  We trust our Scouts to use both in their lives and to make the decisions which are right for them.  That is what Democracy is all about!  We instill in our Scouts an appreciation of the freedom that is their birthright as Americans, and help them to use this awesome gift wisely.


Making Choices Helps Our Scouts Take Ownership of Those Choices


Ownership fosters a sense of belonging.  Our Scouts know their voices are heard and their choices are honored.  They know first hand the power of Democracy in their activities and in their lives.


Because the ideas are their own, our Scouts foster them, honor them, and own their place in the group.  Our Scouts accept ownership of their own programs and care about making the experience fun for others.

Adventure Scouts USA