Highlights: We encourage our Scouts to embrace a spiritual approach to life. We offer our Scouts the opportunity to learn more about their faith. A world filled with Scouts is a world at its best. We encourage our Scouts of faith to embrace their faith as a part of their lives and increase the ways in which a spiritual approach to life plays a part in their life. We respect the faith of our Scouts. We do not expect each of our Scouts to believe or practice their faith identically. We encourage each of our Scouts to develop and use a moral compass in their life.  We encourage our Scouts to live a life of purpose. Each of us are called to serve in varying ways. The small things our Scouts do for the many and the large things they do for some are just a few of the ways they demonstrate their faith. A spiritual approach to life can play a part in meaningful ways everyday. We encourage our Scouts to choose the way they wish to live their life. We advocate our Scouts live their life with their faith playing a part in their daily life. Therefore, we encourage our Scouts to live their lives with passion and to be compassionate. We affirm the importance of letting the actions of our Scouts speak for them. Should Scouts choose to include prayer as a part of their daily life, during our Scout Programs we provide them ample opportunity for them to do so. We support our Scouts desire for a fuller understanding of the message of their faith and support their participation in studies of their faith. How our Scouts treat others, particularly those different from themselves, demonstrates their compassion for others, and their ability to understand the circumstances of others. When appropriate, we offer our Scout the opportunity to practice their faith and fulfill religious responsibilities. Our Scout Programs provide our Scouts, multiple generations, and extended family members opportunities to rediscover family FUN and adventure. We believe an element of wonder should be a part of everything our Scouts contemplate whether they hear music, look out over a sweeping vista, or while in school. During the Action Hero portion of our Team Meetings, our Scouts have an opportunity to explore the role heroes play in their lives. Our Scouts can choose to identify and share information about heroes of their faith who inspire and influence them in their lives. These can be from the heritage of their faith or from the present. We then ask them to share how they affect their life and why they admire them. We encourage our Scouts to achieve their dreams, with their faith in their life, just as those they chose as heroes did and do. Our Scouts appreciate they are called upon to help others help themselves and to live the best lives they can. The lives our Scouts lead demonstrate they live their lives with purpose. We owe much to those who came before us and encourage our Scouts to learn, appreciate and practice the traditions and heritage of their faith, on an individual family basis.