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Our Scouts get plenty of practice making the right decision

Our Scouts are as good as their word


We instill in our Scouts the importance of accountability.  Accountability, taking responsibility for one’s own actions, is an attribute of our Scouts.


Personal Responsibility


Our Scouts choose, organize, and lead their own meetings, programs, and activities. youth skateboarding Our Scouts are free to create their own Scout experience and to participate in the FUN activities they want to participate in. 


We encourage our Scouts to choose to be good people who are accountable for their actions.  Because our Scouts choose, organize, and lead their own meetings, programs, and activities, they get plenty of practice choosing to make the right decision.  If our Scouts need help, our Counselors are on hand to help guide them toward better decision making.  By helping our Scouts see the correct answer for themselves, our Counselors not only assist our Scouts in making better decisions while they have Counselors helping them, but also help them to make better decisions lifelong.


Being as Good as Their Word


In our Scout Programs, a Scout’s word is their bond.  We do not make our Scouts take any oaths; however, our Scouts are expected to be as good as their word.  Because we trust our Scouts, they choose to be honest in an effort to constantly better themselves.


Accountability in Challenges and Activities


In keeping with our principle that Scouts are given as much autonomy as possible in their adventures, our Scouts also take on the responsibility of helping each other be honest.  When our Scouts perform Challenges in front of their fellow Scouts, they are performing them in front of a team of Scouts who know them very well.  Our Scouts’ teams know their aptitudes, abilities, and skills.  When our Scouts are asked if they truly gave their best, their fellow Scouts will also know the answer.


In addition, the “Buddy Check” Program encourages our Scouts to look out for each other.  two girls in the outdoorsWhile enjoying their adventures, each Scout is assigned a “buddy.”  After arrival, after a break, and before departing, Scouts make sure their buddy is in sight.  We enable our Scouts to consistently improve themselves by helping them to be accountable.

Adventure Scouts USA